
The Big Five - Fun facts



Lions will gorge themselves into a food coma when there is plenty of food available, and on days like this an average male lion will swallow around 15% of their body weight.


African buffalo have a "democracy". When they are ready to travel, they will stand and turn in the direction they want to go. The majority of "votes" wins and the head female will lead the herd in the winning direction. 


Leopards are astoundingly strong. They are pound for pound the strongest of the big cats. They are able to climb trees, even when carrying heavy prey, and often choose to rest on tree branches during the day.


The elephant's sense of smell is estimated to be four times that of a bloodhound, or 160 times that of a human. They can smell water from many kilometres away


The closest living relatives to rhinoceros are not elephants or hippos, but rather horses, tapirs and zebras, all of which are classified as odd-toed ungulates.



Did you know that Maasai Mara National Reserve is one of the few national reserves in Africa that is lucky to host all the big five? And did you know we have a tour exclusively dedicated to this Reserve? The Famous Mara is a singular expedition in search of the Big Five.

